Starve2Survive Blog - $3500 raised!


Yes, I am starving myself for 96 hours! All in support of the battle against cancer and the suffering it causes. Under the Ride2Survive banner, I am calling my 4-day fast the Starve2Survive. I am not having anything but water and electrolytes. I start at 3pm tomorrow and end at 3pm Saturday, pacific time.

And I am going to finish the ordeal with a 40km bike ride starting at 1pm from Ladner Leisure Centre (for those of you in the area). We will head for a beer afterwards for anyone so inclined!

Day 0 of the Big Fast - 20 June

The fast is under way; I had my last meal one hour ago (3pm pacific time)! I understand the first 24-36 hours will be the worst and I am not looking forward to the craving and the stomach growling, etc. And to make it worse, I am going out for a nice lunch tomorrow with friends, where I will be sipping water! It's supposed to be a challenge; that's the whole point!

My brother sent me this link, showing maybe what's ahead for me:

On Saturday, we roll at 1pm sharp, from Ladner Leisure Centre and ride as a group. Like me, a few are not in shape for even a modest bike ride so the pace will be gentle! And a pee break at the half-way point.

Any feedback on the daily progress report is welcome. Feel free to share, delete, etc., whatever moves you.

For those of you who have sponsored me already, a big thank you. For those of you who are cheering me on, a big thank you!

Feeling nervous but excited for this wee adventure I am on!

Day 1 and I am 25 hours in - 21 June

First an acknowledgement of the day that's in it, National Indigenous Peoples' Day. I hope that all non-indigenous people of this land will continue to grow in appreciation and respect of all that the original and native peoples of this beautiful land have to contribute.

Now back to the fast, to help in the battle against cancer, that affects all peoples of this world!

Hardest thing so far is not having my morning coffee. Sometimes I skip breakfast anyways, sometimes I skip lunch, but I rarely skip my morning coffee! So that's my greatest hardship on Day 1!

Otherwise all systems go. Amanda and I even had a lovely lunch out with friends, where I am only drinking water while those around me chowed down! No problem. It is such a small thing to do versus the suffering people fighting cancer go through.

The donations keep coming in, and for that I am so so grateful. It's amazing that Ride2Survive can get the funds 100% intact to cancer research directly.

Off now, to have my dinner of a glass of water!

Day 2 and going strong - 22 June

Look at the lovely lunch I had today!!

I might just have the same again for dinner, if I have the room!

Past the halfway mark and going strong. Still missing my coffee the most, and feeling vaguely jetlagged. Otherwise I am doing very well, sleeping well and going about business as usual. However, I am already thinking of what yummy meal I can tuck into on Saturday evening. Steak, pizza? We'll see!!

Thinking about people who we have lost to cancer and who are struggling with it motivate me through this fast. We just learned of a young man in North Vancouver who is fighting a losing battle, just a couple months to live. This is why research is so important, to help people survive, to improve outcomes and to reduce suffering.

Thank you all so much for the ongoing support, all the best wishes and also the donations received so far!

Day 3 and hitting a wall - 23 June

OK now I am feeling it. Had to cut my gym session short this morning as I was feeling quite weak. That jetlag feeling still there.

However, as the day went on today, I can't help feeling I am getting over the hump. Energy levels rising and excited for the final day and the ride tomorrow.

What inspired this nonsense you may ask. I watched that new Chris Hemsworth documentary 'Limitless' a few months ago and the fasting episode captured my imagination. I could do that, I said to myself, silly boy! And as Mohamed Ali said once, "Impossible is not a fact, it is an opinion".

However I look at the donations, over $3000.00 in four days, amazing. And we all know the good that will come of that in the constant battle against cancer. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

Roll on Day 4. Steak and chips waiting for me!!

Day 4+ - all done, still time to donate!
Sunday 25 June

Sunday now, after the amazing conclusion yesterday, with a real Ride2Survive (r2s) feel to the closing ride. We even randomly met some r2s alumni, Rochelle and Jeff, as we were getting ready to leave. Rochelle took this lovely photo of the motley crew about to depart.

I was feeling great going into the ride, no issues. My biggest problem was that I have hardly cycled my bike in the last 12 months, so the only pain was from laziness, not fasting!!

I would like to make a special callout to those who rode yesterday, TP Paul, Geoff H, The Twins (Rob and Casey, cousins actually), Amanda (my lovely and supportive wife), and Tall Dave my longtime friend a occasional 'cycle coach'. So lovely to have had you all along on the short 35km ride. I do know you were motivated by the beer at the end!

And last, a special thank you to TP Paul and his lovely wife Andrea for inviting us for the yummiest steak and chips of my life at The Keg in North Delta, just across the road from where R2S all started at Caps South Shore.

What was all this for? Well, let me tell you that we blew through the 3rd target of $3,500 and now I am trying to reach $4000, so if any of you who haven't donated, feel like donating, that would be absolutely wonderful! Said it before many times, but 100% of all the funds raised go directly to cancer research, to give cancer a good kick up the behind!!

Now it's Sunday evening in Vancouver and we can all be proud of what was achieved! What will I don next year, I wonder. I am open to suggestions!!

All set for the final ride to beers and snacks
Amanda and Nicky waiting for our friends to ride with
First bites after 96 hours of no food!
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