Starve2Survive Blog - $3500 raised!

Introduction Yes, I am starving myself for 96 hours! All in support of the battle against cancer and the suffering it causes. Under the Ride2Survive banner, I am calling my 4-day fast the Starve2Survive. I am not having anything but water and electrolytes. I start at 3pm tomorrow and end at 3pm Saturday, pacific time. And I am going to finish the o...

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  3945 Hits

Pop-Up Fundraiser - Nicky Kearns


For my 2023 pop-up fundraiser for the fight against cancer I am fasting for 96 hours (4 days, only water and electrolytes), starting Tuesday 20th June. I will finish with a modest bicycle ride on Saturday afternoon, before I eat anything! I call it Starve2Survive (under the umbrella of Ride2Survive), and that means 100% of all monies donated go str...

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  2815 Hits

My Dear R2S friends


Last week was a very sad week. I lost another friend and colleague to this damn disease at 50 years young. Just bloody wrong. Laura had worked with me in my company since she was 21 years old and was like a part of our family. Four other friends are in various stages of cancer treatment with good and bad prognosis. I am sick and tired of the loss w...

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  3356 Hits

Why do we all look so Board?

Because we are. Freshly Boarded if you will. On February 4th we convened in the form of a Board meeting and lo and behold we have emerged undaunted. Determined to continue to fight for better health outcomes for all cancer diagnoses. Your Board elections resulted in the following placements: Kerry Kunzli - President Vicki Kunzli - Vice Pr...

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  1192 Hits

Ride2Survive Tree Chipping - Jan 7th and 8th at Willowbrook Mall


Let's get an early start to the battle against cancer this year, R2S style! Saturday and Sunday January 7th and 8th from 9AM to 5PM at Willowbrook Shopping Centre Location: Willowbrook Shopping Centre parking lot H, across from Superstore, at 198 St and Willowbrook Drive In support of the Canadian Cancer Society, our very own Brian Thornburn will o...

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  4413 Hits


The train is leaving!Our Rob Trainor aka the train embarks on leg three of his quest to raise $100,000 on August 20. Think about this:5,400 kilometers 75,000+ meters elevation Gravel ride down the great divide all the way to Mexico!You can follow Rob's adventure at Jacob climbs without a ladder!Jacob Koomen is once again travelling...

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  1654 Hits

Surinder and Ashok's 1100km UNsupported Ride!


Surinder and Ashok are raising money for Ride2Survive to fund cancer research at the Canadian Cancer Society. They will be riding for 14 days, totalling over 1100km and 7500 meters of climbing! We start in Pavilion BC July 25th. The route: 300km of FSR and then will connect to Highway 20 to Bella Coola. Ferry to Port Hardy and then ride to Duke Poi...

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  1791 Hits

2022... Here we go!


We are so excited to announce that our 2022 event is being planned and more information will be out very soon!!

  2016 Hits

300km in ONE DAY - This coming Saturday Sept 25th


The Crazy Hikers are at it again. They just helped put on the so successful pole sit and are not satisfied to sit still and what better way to not sit still than to ride their bikes 300km in a day!

  1983 Hits

Paul's Triple Crown this Saturday Sept 25th


Paul is back for his reunion tour 2021 of the Triple Crown! Pedaling his butt up the 3 iconic mountains in Vancouver... Seymour on road bike, Grouse on mountain bike and Cypress on road bike. What a day!!

  1858 Hits

$50,000 raised for cancer research this past weekend

We even had a Luongo signed stick for donation incentive!

Perhaps this can be called the 50/50/50 weekend now! 50 hours at 50 feet to raise $50k!! What an amazing weekend with crazy weather but even crazier support for the fundraiser. Ride2Survive wants to sincerely thank Amarjit Dhadwar, Surinder Sahdra and Sunny Kainth for running a hugely successful 50/50 Pole Sit this weekend raising $50,000! So many ...

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  2060 Hits

R2S Fundraising status... WOW!


The R2S Team has been busy through the summer and the fall and now we are getting onto our few months of fundraising for 2021. Rob trainer has finished his epic 800km ride in the dirt on Vancouver Island and while I haven't talk to him yet, I'm sure he's got some good stories to tell to go with is over $20k raised! His goal if $50k in total with hi...

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  1710 Hits

800km in the dirt - Trainor and Egli are on Day 2!

day-1 Day 1 done...

Rob Trainor and his support driver, Gary Egli, have completed day 1 of their ride on dirt down Vancouver Island Check out the Map for where Rob ended up after Day 1! 3 more to go. You can donate to Rob efforts here ... and read his story below... Survive the Divide - Riding the Great Divide for a Cure COVID 19 has meant the cancellation of large gr...

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  2144 Hits

Rob Trainor is ready!

this bag is waterproof Those of you who remember R2S 2018 will know why a waterproof bag is important!

Rob an Gary are departing for Rob's 800km ride over 4 days. Sunday September 5th is day one! Best of luck you two and thank for what you do! I'll be posting updates as I get them.  Kerry.

  1791 Hits

300km in one day!


Surinder and his Crazy Hiker team are set to ride 300km in one day Sept 25th. More details to come...

  1490 Hits

50 feet for 50 hours - The R2S Pole-Sit is back!


Amarjit joined by Sunny K. will be up in the air Sep 17-19.  Pole sits are always great fundraisers and with Chalo Freshco's help, it should even be better as they will be collecting funds at their cash registers at their 3 locations!! Stay tuned for more info.

  1284 Hits

Riding Vancouver Island on Labor Day Weekend


Rob Trainor will be out this coming Labor Day weekend riding 500km to raise some funds for Ride2Survive.  This will be his "warm-up" for his 2022 event... Riding the Divide!  Watch for more on that soon. You can donate to Rob's efforts here.

  1207 Hits

Sonya and Steve - Challenge Completed!


Congratulations to Sonya and Steve for completing their 30 day challenge to walk 100km, run 200km and ride 300km! They also had a goal of raising $6,000 and have busted thru that with more than $7500 raised and still climbing. Great work you two! Inspiring!!

  1184 Hits

600km in 30 day August 2021

Aug 2021

Hi!!! Yes  - Steve and I have made it half way - he's updated everyone, I am a work in progress !! Currently looking at 66km of walking, 76 km of running and 171km of cycling - not sure how the next couple of weeks look but I am for sure going for my goal of 600km in total done!! And will hopefully meet if not exceed my fundraising goal of $30...

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  1214 Hits

Sonya and Steve are half way!


It's August 15th and we (Sonya and I) are half way though our Ride2Survive Walk100Run200Cycle300kms in 30 Days Challenge - August 1 - 30.I wanted to update you on my progress so far. I have had donors explain to me that in order to complete this challenge I would have to average 3.33 kms walking, 6.66 kms running and 10 kms riding every day for 30 ...

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  1152 Hits