This Wednesday November 11th, Nasir is our latest rider to tackle a COVID friendly Ride2Survive event to support the mission of the Canadian Cancer Society.
Nasir will be riding on a trainer from 3am to 11pm on Wednesday, Nov.11 to ride 400KM in one day.
The money raised from this event helps fund leading-edge cancer research that is improving cancer treatments, preventing cancer and saving lives.
100% of every penny donated to Ride2Survive goes to research. We are an Independent Fundraising Event supporting the Canadian Cancer Society, and as such, we are able to offer this unique giving opportunity to our donors. No administration costs and no event costs come out of the generous gifts from our donors. 100% of what you give to my fundraising efforts goes to fund research.
Please pledge us and help us reach our fundraising goal! Every pledge takes us one step further in the fight against cancer. Online pledging is secure and easy!
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