Donor Information


The Ride2Survive has become a very unique form of fund raising when compared with other cancer related fund raisers.

There a few things that set us apart:

  1. We cover all our expenses ourselves.
  2. Your donation doesn't pay for us to have a ride... we think you or your donations should NOT pay for us to ride our bikes!
  3. Your donation is exactly that... a full donation to the cause - not a donation where some unknown portion pays for event costs.
  4. Our donations are designated to particular research project(s) through the Canadian Cancer Society as chosen by our riders and crew.

We are "all volunteers". You donate your money, we donate our time, and the results are that all the funds go to the end goal!

So, what does that mean?

Because we cover our own expenses, your donations are not used to buy advertising, posters or pamphlets, they don't pay salaries, nor do they buy t-shirts or water or donuts or gas or any other expense of holding this event. Rather, your donations actually go to where you think they should go and we share that information with you.... gladly!

By designating our funds raised,  100% of those dollars goes to that area of research - That means that the Canadian Cancer Society does not take any administrative costs out of your donation to the Ride2Survive.

In additiion, since 2015 we have secured matching grants for almost all of your donations! In rough numbers, we turned $3M of your donations into $6M of research funding.

We will put up a chart of the researchers and projects we have funded when we finalize the information but if you want something in the meantime, please call or email us.

Since inception in 2005, here is the breakdown of where we have sent your donations

So, If you want your donation dollar to be the most effective in supporting Cancer Research; The Ride2Survive is the place to donate!

If you have any questions about where your donations go, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kerry Kunzli, President,  Ride2Survive.